Server Information

Max Level 150/70 Exp Rates Base 100x / Job 100x
Max Stats 130 Class Transcendent and Extended Jobs
Max Attack Speed 193 Player Commands [Link to Player Commands]
Normal Drop & Card Drop Rates 2x Server Settings Renewal
MVP Card Drops 1x WOE TBA
Card Deposit Enabled Max Client 2 Clients
Guild Hall & Guild Facilities Enabled Server Security Gepard Shield

Server Features

We listen to community feedback and implement changes that enhance the overall game experience. Regular patches and updates ensure that the server evolves and stays current.

Earn points as much as you can!

    Players who reach level 100 will now have the opportunity to earn Hourly Points. These points can be accumulated simply by spending time in-game, and they can be exchanged for a wide variety of valuable items, equipment, and other perks to enhance your gameplay experience.

MVP System

    MVP Hunting not only offers the thrill of hunting powerful MVP monsters but also provides you with exciting rewards, including the chance to chances to get donation cash points.

    Prove your prowess as a Top 1 MVP hunter and earn exclusive rewards on your journey.

    Wiki [MVP System]

Collect all the cards!

    The Card Deposit System allows players to deposit their collected cards into a special storage, unlocking permanent bonuses and stat enhancements based on the cards deposited. This system encourages players to collect a wide variety of cards and provides meaningful rewards for their efforts.

    Wiki [Card Deposit Table]

Level Penalty

The Level Penalty System is a mechanic that adjusts the experience points (EXP) you receive based on the level difference between your character and the monsters you defeat. This system ensures that players face appropriate challenges.

  • Disabled level penalties for damages.

  • Only low level mobs equivalent to your current level has penalties for EXP gain and DROP rates.

  • Wiki [Level Penalty Table]

    Guild Hall & Facilities

    The Guild Hall serves as your guild’s private space where members can gather, plan strategies, and enjoy exclusive amenities. It is a symbol of your guild’s growth and success, offering a range of facilities that improve as your guild advances in level..

    Guild Facilities will be unlocked depending on your guild level. You need to work out on guild donates.

    Wiki [Guild Facilities]

    Valhalla Ruins

    To maintain a fair and enjoyable environment for all players, our GM Team enforces penalties for rule violations. The severity of the penalty will depend on the nature and frequency of the offense. Penalties are applied consistently and fairly to all players. Penalties may be reviewed and adjusted based on new evidence or mitigating circumstances. Players will be informed of the reason for any penalties applied to their accounts.

    Wiki [Valhalla Ruins]

    Modified Refine System

    The feature is designed to make the refining process safer and more user-friendly. Instead of risking the complete loss of an item upon refinement failure, items will simply become broken (5% chance to be broken). Broken items can then be repaired and continue to be refined, making it possible to eventually reach the maximum refinement level without the fear of permanent loss.

    Wiki [Refine Table]


    The following commands and how to use them are available to all AngRO players.


    Simply shows you which commands are available for you to use, making it a quick and easy reference that can be used in-game.


    Auto rejects deals/invites.


    Sometimes the game and client can get out of sync. Though rare, if your skills aren’t being cast or there seems to be rubber-banding, try using @refresh to realign your position with the server.


    Lite Graphics Plugin lets you view skill effects with/without the skill effects being on.


    Displays the server's current rates.

    @monsterinfo or @mi

    Simply type in a monster name or ID after the command to look up the monster’s stats, experience reward, and items dropped.

    @iteminfo or @ii

    Gives information about items, including the NPC prices, weight, and whether shops can sell the item in question. Can be used with item names or ID numbers.


    Gives information about what monsters drop the searched for item. Simply type the item name or ID after the command and information about monster drops and rates will be listed.


    Used to check your Homunculus information and status points.


    Tells you the map(s) that searched for monsters’ spawn on along with how many are spawned. Useful for tracking certain monsters for items or quests.


    Use this command after opening a shop to close your game client but leave the shop open. The shop will close when you log back in or your items have all sold.

    @wb / @ws

    These commands can be used to search for items being sold by in-game vendors. If an item is being sold or purchased, gives you the location of the vendor.