Server Rules

Players must agree to follow all AngRO rules. Failure to follow these rules may result in action taken against you or your account.

General Rules

  • Respect All Players: Treat all players with respect and courtesy. Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.

  • No Cheating: The use of third-party programs, bots, or any form of cheating is strictly prohibited. Exploiting bugs or glitches for personal gain is forbidden. Report any bugs to the staff immediately.

  • Fair Play: Do not grief or disrupt the gameplay experience of others. Harassment in PvP or PvE environments are not allowed.

  • Appropriate Language and Behavior: Keep language in public chats appropriate and free from offensive content. Avoid spamming in any chat channels.

  • Exploits: Exploiting or using bugs or attempts at exploitative behavior will result in a permanent ban. Please report any bugs or potential exploits to our staff immediately.

  • Impersonation of Staff: Players are strictly prohibited from impersonating any server staff, including Game Masters (GMs) and Community Managers (CMs). Impersonation of staff is considered a severe offense and will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include a temporary ban, permanent ban, or other penalties as deemed appropriate by the server administration.

  • Account Security: The server staff will never ask for your password. Report any suspicious activity immediately.

  • Trading and Transactions: Scamming or misleading players in trades is prohibited.

  • Party and Guild Etiquette: Respect the decisions of party and guild leaders. Follow established loot distribution rules within parties and guilds.

  • Events and Activities: Follow the specific rules and guidelines set for server events. Any form of cheating or exploiting during events will result in severe penalties.

  • Respect Staff Members: Treat all staff members with respect and follow their instructions. Staff decisions are final. If you have concerns, address them politely through appropriate channels.

  • Reporting Issues: Use the designated forums or communication channels to report issues or concerns. Provide detailed and accurate information when reporting bugs or player misconduct.

  • Rule Enforcement: Violations of these rules may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent account suspension, depending on the severity of the offense. Repeated offenses will lead to increasingly severe penalties.

  • Appeals Process: Players have the right to appeal penalties. Appeals should be submitted through the designated process and will be reviewed by the staff team.

Communication Regulations

  • Politeness: Treat all players and staff members with respect and courtesy. Abusive, threatening, or disrespectful language will not be tolerated.

  • No Discrimination: Discriminatory remarks based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic are strictly prohibited.

  • Personal Attacks: Personal attacks, insults, and harassment towards other players or staff members are forbidden.

  • Profanity: Excessive use of profanity is not allowed. Keep language appropriate for players of all ages.

  • Offensive Content: Posting or sharing content that is offensive, obscene, or inappropriate is prohibited. This includes in-game chat, forums, and any associated communication platforms.

  • Advertising Other Servers: Unsolicited advertising of other servers, websites, or services is forbidden. Promotion of your own guild or in-game activities is allowed, provided it is done respectfully and not excessively.

No Skill Abuse

  • Skill Spamming: Repeatedly using area-of-effect (AoE) skills in non-combat areas to disrupt other players.

  • Blocking Pathways: Using skills to block pathways or entrances, preventing other players from accessing certain areas.

  • Exploiting Skill Mechanics: Using skills in unintended ways to exploit game mechanics, such as bypassing obstacles, evading PvP combat unfairly, or manipulating NPC behavior.

  • Interfering with Events: Using skills to interfere with server events, causing disruptions or giving yourself or others an unfair advantage.

Breaking the Rule (Penalty)

To maintain a fair and enjoyable environment for all players, our GM Team enforces penalties for rule violations. The severity of the penalty will depend on the nature and frequency of the offense. Penalties are applied consistently and fairly to all players. Penalties may be reviewed and adjusted based on new evidence or mitigating circumstances. Players will be informed of the reason for any penalties applied to their accounts.