Pharmacy Remodel

From AngRO Wiki

Pharmacy Skill (Modified)


On our private server, the Pharmacy skill has been significantly modified to streamline the creation of Poison Bottles and Elemental Converters. These changes enhance the gameplay experience for Creators and eliminate the need for Assassins to use the Create Poison Bottle skill.

Changes Implemented

Disabled Skills

  • Create Poison Bottle (Assassin skill)
  • Create Elemental Converters (Sage skill)

New Additions to Pharmacy

  • Create Poison Bottle
  • Create Elemental Converters

Required Items for Crafting

  • Fire Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Acid Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Plant Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Marine Sphere Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Elemental Converters:
 * 5 Creator's Material
 * 5 Creator's Bottle
  • Poison Bottle:
 * 5 Creator's Material
 * 5 Creator's Bottle

Pharmacy Skill (Modified)


On our private server, the Pharmacy skill has been significantly modified to streamline the creation of Poison Bottles and Elemental Converters. These changes enhance the gameplay experience for Creators and eliminate the need for Assassins to use the Create Poison Bottle skill.

Changes Implemented

Disabled Skills

  • Create Poison Bottle (Assassin skill)
  • Create Elemental Converters (Sage skill)

New Additions to Pharmacy

  • Create Poison Bottle
  • Create Elemental Converters

Material Changes

 * Creator Creation Book - Can be bought in cash shop and hourly points only, this will not be consumed when crafting but this is a requirement.
 * Medicine Bowl - Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.
 * Creator's Bottle - Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.
 * Creator's Material - Farmable from mobs.

Required Items for Crafting

  • Fire Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Acid Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Plant Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Marine Sphere Bottle:
 * 1 Creator's Material
 * 1 Creator's Bottle
  • Elemental Converters:
 * 5 Creator's Material
 * 5 Creator's Bottle
  • Poison Bottle:
 * 5 Creator's Material
 * 5 Creator's Bottle


  • Usage:
 * This skill allows Creators to craft Poison Bottles, which can be used by Assassins for various skills such as Enchant Deadly Poison.

Create Elemental Converters

  • Required Items:
 * Creator Creation Book (not consumed)
 * 1 Medicine Bowl
 * 5 Creator's Material
 * 5 Creator's Bottle
  • Types of Converters:
 * Fire Converter
 * Water Converter
 * Wind Converter
 * Earth Converter
  • Usage:
 * These converters enable players to change their weapon's elemental property, offering strategic advantages against various monsters and players.

Alchemist Point Bonuses

  • When Creators reach a certain number of alchemist points, their material production will be increased:
 * **Double Production:** When a Creator reaches a specific alchemist point threshold, the production of materials will be doubled.
 * **Triple Production:** When a Creator reaches the top rank (rank 1) in alchemist points, the production of materials will be tripled.

How to Obtain Required Items

Creator Creation Book

  • Available in the cash shop and for hourly points.
  • This item is not consumed when crafting but is required to be in the inventory.

Medicine Bowl

  • Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.

Creator's Material

  • Farmable from mobs.

Creator's Bottle

  • Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.

Additional Notes

  • These modifications aim to centralize the creation process under the Creator class, providing a more cohesive gameplay experience.
  • Players are encouraged to explore the new crafting mechanics and discover the strategic advantages offered by the modified Pharmacy skill.

Feedback and Support

For any issues or suggestions regarding the modified Pharmacy skill, please contact our support team or visit our forums.

How to Obtain Required Items

Creator Creation Book

  • Available in the cash shop and for hourly points.
  • This item is not consumed when crafting but is required to be in the inventory.

Medicine Bowl

  • Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.

Creator's Material

  • Farmable from mobs.

Creator's Bottle

  • Can be bought from the tool dealer inside the mall.

Additional Notes

  • These modifications aim to centralize the creation process under the Creator class, providing a more cohesive gameplay experience.
  • Players are encouraged to explore the new crafting mechanics and discover the strategic advantages offered by the modified Pharmacy skill.

Feedback and Support

For any issues or suggestions regarding the modified Pharmacy skill, please contact our support team or visit our forums.