Weather System

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Revision as of 01:38, 16 July 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs)

The weather will change randomly every 3 hours, with special effects across the map, directly affect monsters and players. Every declared time to different maps, the weather will randomly change between 5 modes: Sakura, Leaves, Snow, Day and Night. Each weather will have global effect on monster of 2 Elements All Weathers increases exp rate by 30%. Monster's will increase their ATK, MATK, and HP by 30% if their element is the same as the weather:

Weather Type Elements Buff & Debuff
Day Neutral / Fire +20 ATK, +5% MATK, +10 HIT, -2% Flee
Night Shadow / Undead +10% All Element Dmg, +20 Flee, -5% HIT, +5% Cast time
Leaves Earth / Poison -8% Delay After Cast, +50% HP Recovery Rate, -50% SP Recovery Rate
Sakura Holy / Wind +10 ATK, +2% MATK, +5 DEF, +5 MDEF, -5 crit rate, -20% HP Recovery Rate
Snow Water / Ghost +10 Crit Rate, ignore 20% MDEF, -5% ASPD, +5% Delay After Cast